Imagine you submitted your biodata to platforms like OrdhekDeen, idealNikah, and DeendarPartner and for verification, they called your father. Ringing… As-salamu alaykum, is this Silva Zoldyck?, father of Killua Zoldyck? The father replied, yes! it is. So, your son just submitted his biodata on these platforms. The father replied, “Oh, I see. He’s trying his hardest to get hired by a reputable company. So, what type of company are you guys working on?” The caller said, “Uncle, you’ve got it all wrong. It’s not about a job. It’s more important than that. It’s about completing his half of the deen.” The father replied, “So, he’s trying to complete his half of deen without his parents! Okay, I’m listening. Tell me more.” The caller continued, “Your son has been trying so hard for a couple of months now. So, we’re calling you for confirmation. Do you agree to his getting married? It’s really important, uncle, in this age of fitna. It’s really hard to protect ourselves from falling into sins and marriage is the perfect solution for this.” The father replied, “Listen, boy. Wanna know what else is important?” The caller asked, “What, uncle?” Father replied, “Talking to his parents first before submitting his biodata to such platforms. All this time, I thought he was trying to get a job.” “O Allah, grant him a righteous spouse, endowed with the virtuous qualities of Aishah, the supportiveness of Khadijah, the purity of Maryam, the piety of Asiyah, and the devotion of Fatimah (may Allah be pleased with them all).